>>> April 1999 - February 2001 <<<
/ Amsterdam /
》The Lived Experience of Gay Freedom in Youth 《
Legendary leather bar Argos closed on January 2, 2015. It was the oldest leather bar in Europe. The Argos was originally located at 22 Warmoesstraat, Amsterdam. It opened in 1957 as a guesthouse. Over the years it relocated to Warmoesstraat 95.
(it was for the most part a tourist attraction... the real action for locals was in the private parties. the argos was only a networking hub...to hook up for the parties...it was an honor to be invited...)
On the Y2K Milleniums Eve (December 31, 1999) I was there for the first part of the festivities before going on to a Reclaim The Streets demo-rave, a warehouse progressive trance party and finally to a Break Beat after-hours that lasted until 12 noon on January 1.
>>>> Miguel Angel Torres (Andrew(s) Nicolas Moran) in June 1999... \\\
The party started at 22 hrs and ended at 4 in the morning on weekends, 3 in the morning on weekdays.
(... some private parties would go on for a couple of days... on December 31, 2000 - the millenniums eve that counted - i was asked first to a private party at the legendary stable master hotel nearby (Warmoesstraat #23) and from there ended up in a loft pent-house "rubber duckie" gathering where i was introduced to the dutch version of the "gay rodeo" fetish; naked 17 and 18 year olds rode on the backs of rubber-men as if they were ponies ... )
The 'No perfume' sign a the entrance was iconic. At the Argos men had to smell like men. BDSM fun for all ages. The basement darkroom with its side cabins was a must. The style of decor was what I call Leather-Queer dungeon.
(the basement dark rooms are were I was informally inducted into proper gay fetish in 2000 - no inhibitions, let your kink loose, play and be played with...let go...)
I usually arrived on Tram 9, occassionally on Tram 4.
(one night i hooked up with a guy on #4, but i hear "the cruising tram" for gay fetish was #10... never found out for sure...)
(no need for the bar when you can go directly from the app to the private party)
... And Gay leather subculture ceased to exist as a postmodern urban tribe...
(it split into specific kink niches...)
Montana Flogging Experience (Rotterdam, January 2001).
The master was JD Allen. He was 36 at the time I was inducted. He was from Australia and into the Western bondage kink. This subculture is a subset of the gay BDSM scene particular to North America and Australia. JD sported a cowboy hat, tight Wrangler jeans and snake skin boots. Instead of a necktie, he wore a bolo. He played loud American country music when he performed his arts. In the Western bondage spanking scene they focus on the horse whip and the leather strap. But JD's specialty was the Montana Flogging. Allegedly, this was the punishment for boys under 18 who engaged in cattle rustling in Montana during the 19th and early 20th century. JD stripped me naked, had me lay flat on my stomach on a bench, bound my hands and feet with rope and stuffed a rag in my mouth, ostensibly to muzzle the screams. He went at my ass with a strap and then a horse whip that afternoon. I screamed, moaned and squirmed during the length of the beating. I took 20 licks of the strap and 20 licks of the horse whip. The pain and humiliation where overwhelming. I was 24 years old at the time. This was initiation into the Western bondage kink spanking scene...
My last spanking experience as passive took place in Stockholm during the 2006 Pride. I was 31. I spent one evening at a gay BDSM venue where the basement was a bondage playground. In the venue's lounge there was a screen featuring BDSM films. I sat on a leather couch watching next to a Swedish leatherman. He offered me poppers, stripped me naked, placed me across his knee and spanked me by hand - hard. My ass was so sore afterwards that I could not sit on the Tunnelbana (Stockholm subway) back to town...
Articles by Camille Paglia @Salon
(c) The Order of Jude: Andrew(s) Nicolas Moran, Miguel Angel Torres, Manuel Mendoza, Jaime Varela, Miguel Amanda and Emmanuel Goldstein.
A collaborative project.
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